Seaming together

composable DeFi products

Seam pools are multi-protocol composite positions for staking, liquidity pools, lending, on-chain order-books, and other derivatives.

module seam::market {
// create vaults
// vaults implement strategies
// strategies are implemented
// their own modules,
// ...passed in as parameters
// LPs deposit into strategy &
// ...receive an NFT position


Composable Products

Step-by-step guides to setting up your system and installing the library.

Protocol Architecture

Learn how the internals work and contribute.


Extend the library with third-party plugins or write your own.

Seam SDK

Learn to easily customize and modify your app's visual design to fit your brand.

What we are building

  1. Seam Staking - staked APT as a defi primitive (will explain how this is different from liquid staking)
  2. Seam Yield : multi-protocol composed stratigies
  3. Seam Dao : participant incentivized validator management platform and tooling

Seam aims to add value and composability to the aptos ecosystem by:

  1. providing a mechanism for transferring of the ability to claim a stake position on a validator(s)
  2. allow the sale of these contracts via (traditional,dutch and fixed auctions)
  3. allow users to compose complex positions across Pools, Orderbooks and lending markets

Module Explorer:

this allows users to enter an account address and inspect the modules deployed by the account. From this view the user can also see the recent transactions of the account, the accounts resources, and module schema. Right now this isn't super useful but it was a useful interface to build alongside our protocol.

we are hoping to extend this interface to provide a simple ui for anyone to interact directly with any dapps' or accounts modules.

Dapp Explorer:

The Dapp explorer section of the explorer page acts as a single view for a user to navigate the Aptos ecosystem. In its current state it is far from it.

You should know!

This is what a disclaimer message looks like. You might want to include inline code in it. Or maybe you’ll want to include a link in it. I don’t think we should get too carried away with other scenarios like lists or tables — that would be silly.